Our Products

Quality Policy

The company is committed to establish and maintain a quality policy :-

  • » products and services ordered to the customer by fulfilling the established Requirements.
  • » Ensure quality and safety of products and services delivered.
  • » Achieve customer satisfaction and thereby improve the business of the organization.

The Company shall ensure the implementation of this policy through:-

  • » Creation of quality awareness among the employees by proper guidance training.
  • » Planning and resurging the right inputs to achieve the quality and safety requirements.
  • » Interaction with customers for improving the process of methods of quality performance.
  • » Placing emphasis on experience, the right inputs to achieve the quality and safety requirements
  • » Interaction with customers for improving the process of methods of quality performance.
  • » Placing emphasis on experience, expertise and reliability of the employees.


SSN Windows,
Sri Senthilnathan Enterprise,
No.4, Marker Shop,
Polur Road(Near town hall school),

Mob: 8903291983,7305670115
Mail: sse.smartwindow@gmail.com

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